Astronomers Think They've Developed an 'Early Warning System' For Supernovae

Astronomers Think They've Developed an 'Early Warning System' For Supernovae

TESS has Resumed Normal Operations

TESS has Resumed Normal Operations

Vaccines to treat cancer possible by 2030, say BioNTech founders

Vaccines to treat cancer possible by 2030, say BioNTech founders

Russian Angara rocket launches mysterious military satellite

Russian Angara rocket launches mysterious military satellite

New European Political Party Is Led by an Artificial Intelligence

New European Political Party Is Led by an Artificial Intelligence

White House Researching Combating Climate Change By Spraying Particles Into the ..

White House Researching Combating Climate Change By Spraying Particles Into the ..

China's Shenzhou 14 astronauts snap stunning photos of Earth, the moon and more

China's Shenzhou 14 astronauts snap stunning photos of Earth, the moon and more

Alarming Video Shows Doctor Removing 23 Contact Lenses From Patient's Eye

Alarming Video Shows Doctor Removing 23 Contact Lenses From Patient's Eye

Sneaky Students Using AI to Write Their Papers For Them

Sneaky Students Using AI to Write Their Papers For Them

Entire known universe recreated in Minecraft by 18-year-old

Entire known universe recreated in Minecraft by 18-year-old

Scientists Spotted Something That Appeared to Be Moving 7 Times the Speed of Lig..

Scientists Spotted Something That Appeared to Be Moving 7 Times the Speed of Lig..

Watch NASA's Lucy spacecraft streak through the skies with online broadcast

Watch NASA's Lucy spacecraft streak through the skies with online broadcast

An other-worldly art project: the artists furnishing a Martian house

An other-worldly art project: the artists furnishing a Martian house

Time for your medicine: unlocking the power of our body clocks

Time for your medicine: unlocking the power of our body clocks

SpaceX ferries astronauts back to Earth after half-year away

SpaceX ferries astronauts back to Earth after half-year away

Why did he suspect a COVID surge was coming? He followed the digital breadcrumbs

Why did he suspect a COVID surge was coming? He followed the digital breadcrumbs

Quantum Entanglement Has Now Been Directly Observed at The Macroscopic Scale

Quantum Entanglement Has Now Been Directly Observed at The Macroscopic Scale

Fast food fever: how ultra-processed meals are unhealthier than you think

Fast food fever: how ultra-processed meals are unhealthier than you think

New AI-Based Study Suggests Unhappiness Could 'Age' Some People More Than Smokin..

New AI-Based Study Suggests Unhappiness Could 'Age' Some People More Than Smokin..


APOD: 2022 October 15

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