Tech- savvy students are getting straight As by using advanced language generators such as Openai's GPT3 to write their papers. The next-gen subversion can't be detected by plagiarism software, so schools will have a hard time fighting it.
A college student who goes by innovate_rye on the internet said that it would be simple assignments with extended responses. We would learn about biotech and write about its positives and negatives. A prompt like "what are five good and bad things about biotech?" would prompt the artificial intelligence to give me an A.
Do you mean kids? Adults don't know how to keep up with new technologies, so how about using their knowledge to circumvent digital boundaries? Nobody could have predicted this one.
This probably wouldn't be a problem if plagiarism software were able to flag the prompts. It's unclear if or when plagiarism-checking softwares will ever be able to catch up with artificial intelligence-generated writing, which is technically seen as such by plagiarism-checking softwares.
George Veletsianos said that plagiarism checking software wouldn't be able to detect it because the text wasn't copied from elsewhere.
Without knowing how the other plagiarism checking tools work and how they might be developed in the future, I don't think that artificial intelligence can be seen in that way.
Teachers are probably right to be concerned about what this means for learning as a result of these kids cheating.
Ask innovate_rye and he will be able to focus on what he believes is important.
innovate_rye said that he still does his homework on things he needs to learn to pass, and that he uses artificial intelligence to handle things he doesn't want to do.
He wondered what the future would look like if he could do his homework right now.
The students are using artificial intelligence to write their papers.
A Grad student used a neural network to write his papers.