Archaeology’s sexual revolution

In the summer of 2009, a team of archaeologists arrived at a construction site in a residential neighbourhood of Modena, Italy. The cemetery was unearthed while workers were digging for a new building. It was clear that one of the 11 graves was not like the others. Tomb 16 contained two skeletons and they were holding hands.

The Gazzetta di Modena wrote about how love between a man and a woman can be eternal. The sex of the Lovers was not obvious from the bones alone. The data was so bad that someone tried to analyse it, but it looked like a random noise, according to the University of Bologna's Federico Lugli.

For a decade, the assumption was that the Lovers had sex. Lugli and his colleagues decided to use a new technique for determining the sex of human remains in 2019. The Lovers were both male. The pair became possible evidence of a fifth-century same-sex relationship.

The Lovers of Modena had their remains found. The figures are male.

The story of the Lovers is part of a sexual revolution in archaeology. Over the past five years, the use of new, sophisticated methods has resulted in a string of skeletons having their presumed sex overturned. Sex, gender and love have not been without controversy.

The 6,000-year-old couple were buried with their arms between their chests.

The debate about sex in archaeology took off with the paper about a Viking warrior found in a grave full of weapons. Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson and her team from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, were able to confirm that the grave had a man in it.

The AMELY and AMELX genes are found on the X and Y chromosomes, and they are linked to sex. The logic is that if there is significant AMELY present in the sample, it belongs to a male. The principle largely remains the same as the analysis takes into consideration more of the genome. The Birka Viking's genetic material was female.

The idea of a female warrior did not fit with the existing ideas about the Vikings. Weapons, swords, and jewellery were all owned by men and women. The weapons and warrior status should be reexamined if the skeleton is a woman. Everyone was fine with the warrior interpretation of the skeleton when it was thought to be a man. It can't change just because we know it's a woman.

The author of the book Women and Weapons in the Viking World does not want to take a stance either way. He says that she could have been a warrior, but that most of the graves with weapons are male. Weaponry in women's graves is not a guarantee that they were warriors, for example, an axe could be used for many things. He says that there was space for women in the mental universe of the Vikings.

Most agree that old ideas about male and female grave goods produce interpretations that are at best conventional and at worst biased. This is obvious when both are found in the same grave, as was the case with the Viking grave discovered in 1867 at Santon Downham in Norfolk. There is no evidence to support the idea that it is a double grave according to the British Museum. Only one skeleton was originally reported. A single grave of a person who did not conform to gender norms is the more obvious explanation. Williams thinks the grave probably contained a sword-wielding woman because there were strict taboos against wearing anything that could be seen as effeminate for Viking men.

A facial reconstruction of a woman buried with weapons. National Geographic.

The truth will not be known without the missing skeleton. A proposal to bury a single skeleton in female dress with swords was re-examined last August by a researcher from the University of Turku. The grave was found to be of a person with XXY chromosomes, who probably looked like an XY male. That is what makes this grave so interesting because the male-looking individual was dressed in clothes and had jewellery associated with females.

Which long-standing analysis will be next to fall is the obvious question. Lugli says the team thought about testing other lovers buried across Italy after reading the Lovers of Modena paper. The Lovers of Valdaro is located at the National Archaeological Museum of Mantua, which is an hour's drive from Modena. The 6,000-year-old couple were buried with their arms between their chests.

We now have a way to determine the sex of humans.

The University of Bologna has a person named Federico Lugli.

The Lovers were sexed by osteology, a visual examination of the bones that is still the most common way to identify sex remains. The technique is not perfect. The bones of males and females are different, but they are hormones driven. She says that teens can be ambiguous if they have gone through puberty. Even for adults, skeletons are rarely complete and without key bones, such as the pelvis, osteology becomes less reliable.

The Lovers of Valdaro were teenagers when they died, so the osteological examination that declared them female and probably male could use some modern back-up. The results of the Lovers sex and potential family relationships will be revealed in the new year.

Two other groups will probably see more sex reveals in the future, as there are only a few worldwide. hominids are the group of living and extinct apes that humans belong to. Lucy, a famous hominid, was sexed by half a pelvis. What if Lucy was Larry?

It can be difficult to analyse the DNA of hominids as it can degrade to the point where there is little left to analyse. This is where the tooth is made. The team that developed the technique says that enamel can survive compared to DNA.

The grave of the Viking warrior is in Birka, Sweden. There is a photograph

The same genetic difference is used in tooth enamel analysis. Amelogenin is a component of tooth enamel and is produced by the AMELX and AMELY genes. A gentle acid and their chemical make-up can be used to remove parts of the peptides from the tooth. Lugli says that it is revolutionising bioanthropology because we now have an instrument for determining the sex of humans.

Children are so hard to sex reliably that they are likely to see an increase in sex determinations. A team from the University of Colorado Denver established the sex of a 10,000-year-old infant girl from her tooth enamel. She was found in a grave full of shell beads and stone pendants, which showed that babies were valued more than girls in the old age.

Is the Lovers of Modena evidence of a same-sex relationship? The love of the Lovers is being called into question, like how the Birka Viking's warrior credentials became the subject of controversy when her sex was published. They could be brothers because of the failed analysis. The authors of the study think they might have been involved in a fight. Lugli and his colleagues were not buried in a military cemetery. The dead did not show signs of repeated combat, there were both men and women and a child. The soldier hypothesis was revived.

There was an in-depth analysis of the injuries and a skeleton that they thought was a man. He says that their interpretation was mostly from a historical perspective. He thinks it is unlikely that their parents would show their love at that time. Anything is possible.

The dead do not bury themselves. They don't excavate themselves either. Pamela L Geller is a bioarchaeologist at the University of Miami and she says that there is a lack of creativity about how other people lived their lives.

Scientific methods can take away some of the guesswork, but there are still some things we don't know about the past. People's sense of identity is one of those things. Archaeologists can only attempt to reconstruct the lives of past people based on the available data. Gardea says it's about respect for the people of the past. He says that every grave tells a different story because they were all real humans. They had their own unique lives.

The article was amended in January of 2022. An image captioned as showing a facial reconstruction of a Viking- Age woman buried atNordre Kjlen, Norway, was earlier miscaptioned as showing a reconstruction of a Viking woman found at Birka, Sweden.