Scientists could use an unusual source of ancient human DNA to answer longstanding questions. The source? There is nit glue.
Scientists studying mummified remains from South America that date back 1,500-2,000 years say they have recovered ancient human DNA from the sticky cement produced by head lice.
The researchers say the new discovery is the first time nit glue has been found to be a source of ancient human DNA. The revelation is a boon because of the difficulties in getting DNA, and the damaged state it is often found in.
By genetically characterising a human host using just a handful of nits, we prevent the destructive sampling of bones and unique teeth that degrade or destroy ancient specimen. The mummies or skeleton are left intact, only a few hairs containing nits are sufficient, and this also prevents conflicts with indigenous related people.
The team found that nit glue yielded the same amount of human DNA as it did in a tooth and skull.
The glue of the nits seems to be better at protecting against chemical damage than the cements, which is what the tooth or bone is.
The study shows how a team of researchers from the UK, Argentina, and Denmark analysed the remains of eight South American mummies as a proof of concept for the approach.
The team was able to extract ancient human nuclear DNA from the nit cement of two mummies, and they were able to show that the people who were mummified were part of a population that migrated from north-west Amazonia. Evidence from archeological sites confirmed previous theories.
We have the direct evidence from the humans. The last nail in the coffin is that. The position of the nits on the hair of the mummified individuals revealed that at least some of them experienced very low temperatures at the time of their death.
The approach has limitations, but the authors said museum collections around the world held rich historical archives of parasites.
The work could shed light on longstanding mysteries. He said that America still seems to be a blank spot on the genomic landscape, despite the fact that they know a lot about Europe and east Asia. We want to see if we can get some genetic information about what happened in the past, who was there, and also fill in that blank spot.