Servi robot at Sergio's Restaurant. Sergio's Restaurant
According to The NYT, a Florida restaurant chain claims that its staff received higher tips after hiring a robot to assist them.
The robot, which costs $1,000 per month, transports plates from the kitchen to the staff who then take the plates to the guests.
The owner of a restaurant chain said that it gives staff more time for customers and better service.
According to The New York Times, a Florida restaurant chain claims that its staff was given more tips after paying $1,000 per month for a robot to carry plates.
Carlos Gazitua is the owner and CEO at Sergio's Restaurant chain. He told The Times that he added Softbank's Servi robotic to one of his restaurants when he was having trouble finding workers.
The robot transports food from the kitchen to dining room. Servers collect plates and deliver them to customers' table. Gazitua explained to The Times that staff can communicate with customers more often and serve more customers. This has resulted in customers tipping more.
"In the first 2 hours, the servers were stunned!" He told The Times.
Gazitua revealed to Insider that Sergio's Restaurant now employs a robot in each of its six restaurants.
Servi robots use 3D cameras, laser-sensing technology and 3D cameras to navigate around tables and customers.
Gazitua told Insider that he wants robots to be servers' "personal assistants", by taking dishes and plates back to the dishwasher.
Insider reported that this will increase efficiency by 25-30% for our waitstaff so they can concentrate more on our customers and make more money taking more tables or creating a better experience for guests.
Gazitua said that the robots are approximately $1,000 per month.
Gazitua said that the Servi robot was brought in by Gazitua when the restaurant chain was in a "crisis" during the labor shortage. "We couldn’t find anyone."
Many businesses in the US claim they are having difficulty hiring staff. Some even claim that employees don't want work anymore. However, hospitality workers claim they are leaving the industry to seek better wages, benefits and working conditions.
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Some restaurants have closed their doors or reduced their hours because of higher wages and a shortage in workers.
In light of the labor shortage, other restaurants have turned to robots.
A Latin American restaurant in Texas rented three robots at $15 per day to help serve customers. According to the restaurant's owner, the robots can greet customers, serve food, and sing.
Business Insider has the original article.