Customers of Verizon's Visible service claim that hackers have accessed and changed their account information to lock them out. In some cases, they even ordered their phones via their payment info (via XDA). If you aren't familiar with Visible, it is a cell phone service owned by Verizon. It claims to be cheaper and more digital than traditional carriers. There are no physical stores, so its not like a traditional network. Customers on Reddit and Twitter reported that they received emails about changes to their passwords and addresses since Monday. They also reported difficulties in contacting customer support.
Visibles Twitter customer service account has not addressed the issue and may have referred upset customers to its DMs. On Monday afternoon, a user identified as Visible employee posted a statement saying that only a few accounts were affected but that the company did not believe that its systems were compromised. Although the statement recommended that users change their passwords (as many commenters have pointed out and as I can confirm, the password reset system is currently not working), it did not recommend that they do so. Verizon did not immediately respond to The Verge's request for comment.
I have not received any texts or emails from the company regarding the situation.
Visible is my own customer (I switched from T-Mobile because of its recent massive data breach but I am thrilled to have been double-owned). My account has not been compromised so far. My order history is correct and I can log in online. The app opens as normal, though there were some errors. I have not received any communications, texts or emails from the company about this matter.
It is difficult to know exactly what happened in the breach reports. We will keep you posted if we hear from the company. As with many security breaches, it is important to change your password. Visible doesn't currently support 2-factor authentication. This feature may be more important in light of incidents such as this, where customers see $1,000+ charges on their Visible credit cards.