Amber Trucke's bathroom was smashed by the contractor using a sledgehammer. Amber Trucke
A Colorado contractor used a Sledgehammer to smash down the walls of a bathroom that he just finished renovating.
Amber Trucke was his customer and owed him $4,225.
Trucke stated to Insider that she withheld payment due to insatiableness with the "horrible” renovation.
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Viral footage shows that an "angry" contractor from Colorado returned to the home of a customer to demolish a bathroom he had just completed remodeling due to a $4225 payment dispute.
Terry Gregory, co-owner of Dream Home Remodels Colorado Springs can be seen using a sledgehammer in the viral video to smash the tiles in the newly-renovated space.
Gregory says that he spent weeks and thousands of dollars on this before continuing to destroy the walls.
According to reports, the contractor destroyed the renovation because Amber Trucke, his customer, was behind on a payment.
Trucke, a senior living facility community relations director, stated to Insider that she had paid $3,330 of the $7,555 owed for the renovation, but refused the final payment until she was happy with the product.
Insider interviewed her last Thursday to find out what she thought of the bathroom. She said that she wanted to see the bathroom and was excited to get out of bed. "But instead, and this is not a lie, I looked at it and it didn't look good to me. It was terrible."
Amber Trucke stated that her bathroom renovation was not satisfactory. Amber Trucke
Trucke stated that she later sought the advice of DIY enthusiasts on whether or not the renovation was feasible. Trucke claims she received hundreds of replies advising her that the bathroom needed a complete redeco.
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Trucke stated that there were cracks in the grout and tiles were not aligned correctly. He also said that they had put up chipped tiles.
Some tiles in the bathroom renovation were chipped. Amber Trucke
She claimed that Jordan Cazares (Greg's wife) sent her an email demanding payment of the balance. Trucke stated, "I kept saying I wouldn't pay them until I had inspected the final product."
The community relations director stated that Gregory and Cazares arrived at Gregory's home within 23 hours. She was at work at her office at the time, and brought a sledgehammer as well as a barbell.
Trucke said that Gregory, who was "angry", began to smash the walls while Trucke's neighbor and roommate watched in horror. Trucke was notified by her neighbor who recorded the incident.
Trucke stated that she reported the incident to police. Insider reached Colorado Springs Police Department to verify that a complaint was filed. However, they did not respond immediately.
DailyMail.com was informed by Gregory and Cazares that they plan to sue Trucke in small claims court to recover the money she owes. Insider reached out for comment from the couple but didn't receive any response.
Trucke stated that she is traumatized by the events. Insider spoke out that her sense of safety was gone. "I don’t know if it will ever be possible for me to go home and just relax." Every time I hear a car open, I look out the windows. It's really sad that this happens, and it costs more than $4,000
Insider has the original article.