According to an Insider report, Tesla's clean-energy division Tesla Energy has a whole team that scans the internet looking for customer complaints or people slandering its CEO Elon Musk.AdvertisementTwo ex-employees spoke to the outlet on condition of anonymity. They said that Tesla employees were trained to ask customers to delete any posts they made.In an interview with Insider, an ex-employee stated that a team of over 20 people searched for customer complaints via review and social media sites. A separate team of nine individuals looked for posts targeting Musk. Their previous role was to handle complaints via Tesla's customer service department, not those on social media. They told the outlet that they were expected to search the internet for Tesla customers pissed off during their downtime. This was a rare task as they had already taken breaks to avoid being overwhelmed by issues from Tesla's customer service pipeline.An ex-employee, who was a manager at Tesla Energy from last year, stated that the staff charged with searching social media would simply look up #TeslaEnergy and #Elon. Jay Boller, a reporter on Twitter, first noticed this listing. This is a smart move by Teslas considering the history of Musk's poor tweets and the high-priced legal repercussions.Insider was told by the former manager that customers might get a quicker response if they complain on social media, rather than going through Tesla's customer service channels.According to one Tesla Energy customer, the project manager told them to do this after they had a problem with their solar roofing contract.She advised me to complain online... on Twitter and Facebook. This is because the company doesn't listen to social media sentiments, stated the customer, who requested anonymity in Insiders report.AdvertisementTesla never responded to my tweet about the issue. Insider spoke to a potential customer who had more success than others in dealing with the company's ghosting of customers over months. After his request for a consultation with his Tesla representative was ignored, the rep called to apologize and address him after he had complained on Twitter about his experience.Gizmodos asked Tesla for comment but they did not respond immediately. This could be due to the fact that Tesla's PR department was disbanded last October. It seems like you may not get a response from Tesla Energy representatives until then. You can also use social media to blast them.