Amazon today announced that it will begin selling its COVID-19 at home tests to Amazon customers in the U.S. The test is $39.99 and available to all U.S. customers without prescription. Customers receive the COVID-19-PCR collection kit via Amazon Prime. It includes everything necessary to conduct a nasal swab. The included return box will allow customers to return the tube and the swab. Amazon claims it can provide results within 24 hours after receiving the sample from its laboratory.Amazons in-house laboratory will process the collection kit. It was established during the pandemic to test its frontline workers under its COVID-19 program. According to the company, Amazons U.S. and U.K. labs have processed over 750,000 tests. Amazon's new at-home kit will allow it to expand its U.S. labs capabilities for its retail customers.Amazon claims it uses the more precise PT-PCR method. This means that you will need to wait for your lab results to be processed. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency use authorization (EUA) to the kits.The Amazon.com listing for the Amazon COVID-19 test collection kit DTC states that the kit will contain the swab and a tube with saline. A plastic bag with absorbent pads is included as well as the return box and shipping label. UPS will send the return shipping to Amazon's CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited lab in Hebron, Ky., at no additional cost.Additional instructions are included in the kit, including how to obtain your results via Amazons secure site, AmazonDx.com. Also, access to any documents required for testing verification. Amazon states that these tests meet all requirements for travel within the U.S. (except Hawaii) and internationally. The kits are FSA- and HSA-eligible.Although COVID-19 vaccines are still available, widespread access and affordability to COVID-19 tests is crucial in fighting the spread of the disease, Cem Sibay, Amazon's VP for COVID-19 testing, stated. Customers can access COVID-19 testing anytime and anywhere they want with the Amazon collection kit. Sibay said that the test collection kit delivers accurate and timely results which makes customers feel more secure as they return to work, travel, college and everyday life.