NASA is back with its monthly collection of treats to spy in the sky. Let's dive straight in.

There are contents.

  • Mercury
  • Lunar eclipse
  • Coma star cluster


The space agency recommends looking west 45 minutes after sunset to see Mercury with a slim crescent moon.

The bright red giant star Aldebaran is visible to the south of the moon.

This is the only chance to see a planet with the naked eye until August, so be sure to take advantage of it.

Jupiter and Mars will be visible in the predawn sky at the end of the month.

Lunar eclipse

A map showing the parts of the world where May's lunar eclipse will be viewable.

There will be a lunar eclipse in the middle of May in the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

The partial eclipse will start at 10:30 p.m. On May 15. Totality will last for an hour and a half.

The eclipse will start with the moon above the horizon. The moon is relatively low in the sky for the Central U.S.

The moon will be a dark reddish hue during totality. Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safe to look at directly, even if you don't have a telescope.

Coma star cluster

The Coma star cluster in the night sky.

If you have a pair of binoculars or telescopes, this month is a good time to view the Coma star cluster.

Coma is a loose, open star cluster that is 300 light-years away and consists of 40 or 50 stars.

Coma is the second-closest open star cluster to Earth, with its bright stars forming a Y shape.

Look south for the constellation Leo to view the cluster. If you have trouble locating it, we recommend using an astronomy app that has an augmented reality feature that makes it super- easy to spot the stars.

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