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The sunspot spits fire.

An active sunspot on the sun that is turning away from Earth unleashed a powerful parting shot as it moved out of view on Saturday.

A massive solar flare that registered as an X 1.1-class solar storm was fired off by the sunspot. The most powerful solar flares are X-class. The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured stunning video of the solar flare.

Even with the sunspot completely hidden behind the sun's northwestern limb, the explosion still produced enough radiation for a strong short wave radio blackout over the mid-Atlantic Ocean and much of Europe. He said it lasted about an hour.

The storm started at 9:37 a.m. The peak strength was reached 10 minutes later by the Space Weather Prediction Group. The first solar eclipse of the 21st century will take place on Saturday. The southern Pacific Ocean and parts of South America were expected to see a partial eclipse of the sun because of the moon. The solar eclipse begins on April 30.

The worst solar storms in history are related.

This still image from a NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory video shows a powerful X1.1-class solar flare erupting from the sunspot AR2994 as it turns away from Earth on April 30, 2022.

This still image from a NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory video shows a powerful X1.1-class solar flare erupting from the sunspot AR2994 as it turns away from Earth on April 30, 2022. (Image credit: NASA/SDO)

The solar eruption almost certainly caused an intense mass ejection of charged particles. He said that the flare came from a sunspot hidden from view.

Scientists use different strengths to determine the severity of solar storms. The weakest solar flares are A-class, B-class and C-class events, with the more powerful M-class storms strong enough to amplify Earth's northern lights when they hit our planet.

The sun experiences the strongest eruptions. The most powerful X-class storms can pose a risk to satellites and astronauts, as well as interfere with power stations and radio signals on the surface. X-flares are the exception to the nine divisions of intensity. The biggest X-flare was in 2003 and it overwhelmed the sensors.

The current cycle of the sun's space weather is known as Solar Cycle 25. The sun is in an active phase. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, the U.S.- European Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, and other satellites are watching it.

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