In the second quarter of the year, Apple made $97.3 billion in earnings and a record-breaking $25 billion in profit. This is a 9 percent increase compared to the same time last year. The company saw the largest growth in three areas: Mac, Wearables, and Services, which include app store purchases, Apple music, and Apple TV+.

This is very impressive, considering the shortages in the global supply chains. One analyst put it into perspective that the earnings made on Mac products in this quarter alone exceed past earnings on those products for the entire year.

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Apple's record results are a testament to the company's focus on innovation and ability to create the best products and services in the world, said Tim Cook, Apple's CEO. He said that Apple is committed to being a force for good in the world, both in what it creates and what it leaves behind.

Workers say that Apple could create that change at their own stores. Employees at the Grand Central Apple location have moved to unionize for better pay for all covered workers, more robust benefits, and a thorough analysis of our work conditions, mainly relating to health and safety.

The #AppleToo movement was started by Apple corporate employees and retail workers, who collected and shared salary information and workplace experiences at the company.

Apple made money for its shareholders. It is time to become a force for good for your own people.