The HillThe Hill

The congressman clashed with the CNN anchor over questions about her text messages calling for the impeachment of the president.

In the video, which was posted to the social media site, Acosta asked if she remembered calling Pelosi a traitor.

She says that Jim tried to present this image of her to his viewers and it was just not correct.

We are just trying to get some answers.

I am repulsed that people gladly take a paycheck to lie and mischaracterize me like this guy, Jim @Acosta.

I want to think good things about the press, but they behave like this and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Representative.

According to text messages provided to the House committee investigating the Capitol attack, on Jan. 17, 2021, three days before President Biden's inauguration, the former White House chief of staff MarkMeadows was texting that members of Congress were suggesting Trump's final chance.

CNN reported on the text messages.

Did you send a text to the president asking for martial law?

I don't recall those being my text messages, he accused me of lying. She didn't know if Trump could have declared martial law, which would have put the military in control of several government functions.

Why don't you tell the truth?

She says you are just another liar on television. They can't stand liars on TV.

He took out his phone and showed the article to her, after he was asked to present the text message.

He quoted her messages until he came to the quote.

Excuse me, stop, I don't know what it says.

She asked, "Why don't you tell that story?"

She denied that the messages were hers.

You are lying. You are a liar. You know why people don't like you? Why do you want to lie to your viewers?

I'm not trying to lie.

When you read the actual words, it tells a different story.

The video was posted to the social networking site Thursday, saying that she was "repulsed" that people were willing to lie and mischaracterize her.

I want to think good things about the press, but they behave like this and it makes me sick to my stomach.

The video was later quote-tweeted by the reporter.

The congresswoman doesn't recall if it's her text, but she defends it.

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