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Russian troops appear to be learning from their mistakes and making more progress in eastern Ukraine, though still face logistical problems, US says
A Russian soldier stands guard at the Luhansk power plant in the town of Shchastya.
A Russian soldier stands guard at the Luhansk power plant in the town of Shchastya, on April 13, 2022.ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP via Getty Images
  • Russian forces launched a new offensive in eastern Ukraine.

  • They have made slow and even progress in the area.

  • Logistical problems are still facing the Russian forces.

The US Department of Defense said in a news brief that Russian troops seem to be learning from their mistakes and are making more progress in eastern Ukraine, but still face logistical problems.

92 Russian battalion groups are currently operating in the eastern Donbas region, according to an official.

Russian forces launched a new offensive in the area after being unable to capture the capital of Ukraine.

The Pentagon official said that the troops have made slow and even progress since arriving in Donbas.

A senior NATO official told CNN that the troops seem to be learning from their earlier mistakes and are combining their air and ground operations more effectively.

The Russians failed to combine their operations and were incapable of adjusting to setbacks, as reported by the Associated Press.

Despite their current progress, the Russian soldiers still haven't overcome all their logistical problems and are facing strong resistance from Ukraine, a Pentagon official said.

They don't want to run out too far ahead of their logistics and sustainment lines, so they only can sustain a few kilometers on any given day.

The gains made by Russian troops in the region were limited because of the strong Ukrainian resistance, according to British intelligence.

Russian troops have lost more than 2,400 combat armored machines since the start of the invasion in February, according to the Ukrainian armed forces.

Western officials said that Russian President Putin is under increasing pressure to show he can win.

May 9 is a major holiday in Russia that commemorates the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945 and is usually marked with a military parade in front of the Kremlin.

The original article is on Business Insider.

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