The show has been very popular for CBS and James Corden is saying goodbye in 2023. James said the departure has been on his mind for a while. He thought he would do the show for 5 years and then pass the torch to someone else. He has hosted for nearly 9 years. The show is more popular on the internet than on the network. He had a Carpool Karaoke with the singer that had more than 250 million views. The romp with One Direction had over 190 million views. The show has more than 10 billion views on its website. James was not allowed to go without a fight. They wanted a 3-year extension on his contract, but he only agreed to one year. Writing is one of the things JC would like to accomplish post-exit. He gave thanks to his crew for being some of the most talented people he has ever met. CBS President and CEO, George Cheeks, says that he took TV by storm with his unique segments like Carpool Karaoke and Crosswalk the Musical. He has given his staff plenty of time to prepare for the end of the show.