Johnny Depp has taken the stand against his ex- wife. Heard accused Depp of domestic violence, but he said he was a victim of the same. The security guard testified that Heard owned up to the poop found on her bed. The guard said that she called it a horrible practical joke. Heard blamed her teacup Yorkies for the poop. One of Johnny Depp's security guards testified that Heard called it a "horrible practical joke" when she took responsibility for the mess in her bed. A member of the security team for Johnny Depp testified about the feces in the trial between Heard and Depp on Thursday. Heard is accused of defamation by the actor when she said she was a victim of domestic violence in an op-ed for the Washington Post. Heard has denied the allegations that she was beaten by Depp while he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Heard had a 30th birthday dinner on April 21, 2016 The actor testified that he was late to the party because he was having an in-depth conversation with his business manager about his finances. After the dinner, Heard berated and hit him. While Heard was in the apartment, Depp went to his house in Hollywood Hills. After Heard left on a scheduled trip, a housekeeper found fecal matter on the side of the bed that the couple shared. I laughed when I saw the photo of the feces, and it was so weird and grotesque that I could only laugh. Heard was with Jenkins on the trip. Before Heard, her sister, and a friend of hers left for the music festival, Jenkins took Heard's luggage and two dogs. He testified that he had a conversation about the defecation she left in the boss's bed. It was described as a horrible practical joke gone wrong by Heard. In the trial, he testified that he didn't speak to Heard until after his mother died. Heard blamed the poop on her two teacup Yorkies that weighed about 4 pounds each. I lived with some dogs. I picked up on their weakness. It was not the dogs. The original article can be found on Insider. Joe Rogan called Amber Heard a crazy lady. According to court documents obtained by PEOPLE, a hearing will be held on June 28. Do you think you can get a cheaper internet package? Maybe you should rethink. Davidson sat in the back of the courtroom during the closing arguments of the case and embraced Kris Jenner as she left the room. Vikings fans don't like the trade. The beauty YouTuber said she met the actor at a restaurant. The piece was produced by the actress with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union. Although the acquisition process was far from perfect, the price was fair and Musk did not violate any laws. Walter Isaacson told The New York Times that Musk can be difficult to keep up with. You need to try this if you don't like cleaning. The cleaning hacks and products will change your life. The American Civil Liberties Union believes that part of the donation may have been made by the ex-boyfriend of Amber Heard. The orange spot first appeared on the national risk map in early April, marking three counties in central New York as having high levels of the coronaviruses, the only such cluster in the country. The orange had spread to 10 upstate counties by mid-April, with a penumbra of yellow around them. It's up to two dozen orange counties, stretching across upstate New York and into Pennsylvania and Vermont. There are a lot of orange and yellow counties. The state of California has issued unprecedented water restrictions for millions of residents due to the ongoing water shortage. Set up headquarters in your bedroom with this pink camo bed tent. There is a wide door opening for a twin-sized mattress. Ian Rapoport reported that the Carolinas may circle back to a trade with the Cleveland Indians after passing on a quarterback in the first round. A Ukrainian soldier holed up in a steel works in Mariupol said his forces would fight for as long as needed and he urged world leaders to find a way to save civilians and the hundreds of troops trapped in Russia's siege. The last redoubt for the port city's defenders is the steel works, and Captain Sviatoslav Palamar spoke about it in an interview. Russian forces have reduced large parts of Mariupol to ruins around the vast complex and underground catacombs, where Palamar and a Ukrainian contingent are making a last stand. The ex-president of the nation's leading libertarian youth organization has been charged with raping and drugging a college student while attending the University of Pittsburgh, allegedly rendering her unconscious by spiking her drink with a roofie. China photos will make you think twice before visiting. The whole exchange was so strange that Judge Penney Azcarate had to admit that he had never seen it before. As Johnny and Amber Heard face off in a Virginia courtroom, new details are being revealed about their relationship and what led to their public divorce. For the last nine weeks, President Joe Biden and the Western allies have emphasized the need to keep the war going in Ukraine. The fear in Washington and European capitals is that the conflict will spread to neighboring states, to cyberspace, and to NATO countries that are facing a Russian cutoff of gas. The expansion could lead to a conflict similar to the Cold War between Washington and Moscow. Search for a backup battery. Compare online with top sales. Save money and time. Hall and Anstead were granted joint legal and physical custody of their son after their divorce. It has been a crazy 24 hours for the pair. The police were called to the scene of a fight. He claimed that she took his Adderall and was out of control, and she claimed that he has been using crack cocaine and needs serious help. Hall and Anstead were granted joint legal and physical custody of their son after their divorce.