Findings from people running in the lab show that men and women tend to run at a slower pace than men.
Alex Wilkins
We pick the speed that is most energy efficient when we run recreationally.
MoMo Production/Getty Images.
When people are exercising, they maintain the same running speed regardless of how many kilometres they cover, in order to be as energy efficient as possible.
In a race, people try to run as fast as they can for a given distance, which means someone might jog slowly during a marathon, but sprint at top speed during a 100 meter event.
But Jessica Selinger at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada, and her colleagues found that recreational runners take a different approach. They analysed the running speeds over a variety of distances of more than 888-492-0 888-492-0 888-492-0s by 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0s of 888-492-0 They collected data in the lab, where they could use treadmills to control a runner's speed, while collecting and analyzing the participant's breath to establish the energy costs associated with running at each pace.
Selinger and her team found that, on average, women run at a speed of 2.74 metres per second while men run at 3.25 metres per second. The data collected in the lab shows that the paces are indistinguishable from the energy-optimal running speeds for men and women.
People have a strong preference for a particular speed, no matter what distance they are running. It is the most economical that you could choose.
The runners that Selinger and her team analysed in the lab were limited to younger, fit individuals.
Andrew Jones says that the finding isn't surprising when examined from a biological perspective.
Current Biology is a journal.
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