Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The developers of Call of Duty's Ricochet anti-cheat system have outlined a new measure which makes legitimate players invisible to cheaters. It makes it impossible for cheating athletes to be competitive during a match.

Legitimate players can see that cheating can be seen by cloaking.

The cloaking feature has been available in Call of Duty: Warzone since at least mid-February, when a video of the anti-cheat measure was posted to Twitter.

RICOCHET seems to have another trick up it’s sleeve to combat cheaters in #Warzone

The anticheat appears to be making “legit” players completely invisible to confirmed cheaters as you can see in this video.

— ModernWarzone (@ModernWarzone) February 19, 2022

Call of Duty's developers have banned tens of thousands of cheaters in recent months, but a post on their website suggests that they can collect data that is essential to identify them.

Ricochet's anti-cheat driver that runs locally on PCs has previously been available for Warzone, but is now launching in Vanguard, according to the post. The anti-cheat system has been available for both Call of Duty games, according to Eurogamer.

Team Ricochet has banned 54,000 additional accounts since its last major update. Banned players will not be allowed to play.