After learning of the suspension of Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen, Eva Newsom and Gerry Mroczkowski take phone calls and seek legal advice about how to proceed in the matter, Wednesday, Apr. 27 at Dover City Hall. Newsom, Mroczkowski and Dave Douglas (not pictured) were the three city employees fired by the mayor shortly before Christmas of 2021. The three employees alleged that the mayor violated whistleblower statues for providing testimony included in last year's investigation in to the mayor's behavior. They were subsequently rehired after a State board approved a settlement between them and the City of Dover.
After learning of the suspension of Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen, Eva Newsom and Gerry Mroczkowski take phone calls and seek legal advice about how to proceed in the matter, Wednesday, Apr. 27 at Dover City Hall. Newsom, Mroczkowski and Dave Douglas (not pictured) were the three city employees fired by the mayor shortly before Christmas of 2021. The three employees alleged that the mayor violated whistleblower statues for providing testimony included in last year's investigation in to the mayor's behavior. They were subsequently rehired after a State board approved a settlement between them and the City of Dover.

The special commission appointed by the Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice has suspended the mayor of Dover.

The mayor said in a press release that he would comply with the order.

My compliance with the order of the special commission is not an admission of wrongdoing as mayor. I will defend the allegations brought against me. I maintain my innocence.

After learning of the suspension of Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen, Public Safety Director Gerry Mroczkowski affixes crime scene tape at the mayor's office door, Wednesday, Apr. 27 at Dover City Hall. Mroczkowski, Eva Newson and Dave Douglas (not pictured) were the three city employees fired by the mayor shortly before Christmas of 2021. The three employees alleged that the mayor violated whistleblower statues for providing testimony included in last year's investigation in to the mayor's behavior. They were subsequently rehired after a State board approved a settlement between them and the City of Dover.
After learning of the suspension of Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen, Public Safety Director Gerry Mroczkowski affixes crime scene tape at the mayor's office door, Wednesday, Apr. 27 at Dover City Hall. Mroczkowski, Eva Newson and Dave Douglas (not pictured) were the three city employees fired by the mayor shortly before Christmas of 2021. The three employees alleged that the mayor violated whistleblower statues for providing testimony included in last year's investigation in to the mayor's behavior. They were subsequently rehired after a State board approved a settlement between them and the City of Dover.

Three retired judges are considering suspending Richard Homrighausen.

The Mayor of Dover was offered a plea deal before he was indicted.

O&Connor appointed three former common pleas court judges to serve as a special commission to consider suspending Homrighausen in relation to felony charges pertaining to official conduct in office, according to an April 6 announcement on the Supreme Court's website.

Their appointment followed a March 14 request from Robert F. Smith, assistant legal counsel in the Special Investigations Unit of State Auditor.

Homrighausen has pleaded not guilty to 15 charges

The Tuscarawas County grand jury indicted Homrighausen on 15 charges in March. They are theft in office, a third-degree felony; one count of having an unlawful interest in a public contract, a fourth-degree felony; six counts of filing incomplete, false, and fraudulent returns, all fifth-degree felonies; and four counts of soliciting improper compensation, all first

State auditors found that Homrighausen had performed 231 marriages and received payments of $9,295 in cash and checks that he failed to report to the city. He failed to report his income on his tax returns. There are two charges relating to the employment of the mayor's son.

Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen sits in the courtroom of Judge Elizabeth Lehigh Thomakos for his arraignment on 15 counts related to theft in office among others, Wednesday, Mar. 30 at the Tuscarawas County Courthouse in New Philadelphia.
Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen sits in the courtroom of Judge Elizabeth Lehigh Thomakos for his arraignment on 15 counts related to theft in office among others, Wednesday, Mar. 30 at the Tuscarawas County Courthouse in New Philadelphia.

A jury trial is scheduled for September 20.

Richard Homrighausen pleads not guilty to 15 criminal charges.

Richard Homrighausen says he will continue to be Dover mayor once 'procedures run their course'

Homrighausen has been the mayor for 30 years.

After learning of the suspension of Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen, crime scene tape was affixed to the mayor's door by Public Safety Director Gerry Mroczkowski, Wednesday, Apr. 27 at Dover City Hall. Mroczkowski, Eva Newson and Dave Douglas (not pictured) were the three city employees fired by the mayor shortly before Christmas of 2021. The three employees alleged that the mayor violated whistleblower statues for providing testimony included in last year's investigation in to the mayor's behavior. They were subsequently rehired after a State board approved a settlement between them and the City of Dover.
After learning of the suspension of Dover Mayor Richard Homrighausen, crime scene tape was affixed to the mayor's door by Public Safety Director Gerry Mroczkowski, Wednesday, Apr. 27 at Dover City Hall. Mroczkowski, Eva Newson and Dave Douglas (not pictured) were the three city employees fired by the mayor shortly before Christmas of 2021. The three employees alleged that the mayor violated whistleblower statues for providing testimony included in last year's investigation in to the mayor's behavior. They were subsequently rehired after a State board approved a settlement between them and the City of Dover.

I love Dover. He said in his press release that he would continue to dedicate his life to the city. We live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty. I encourage all citizens of the city to keep an eye on their city government.

Mark R. DeVan had no further comment.

The president of the council could not make a comment because the city had not received official notification of the suspension.

The Homrighasen Press Release is on Scribd.

Richard Homrighausen was suspended as mayor of Dover.

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