It looks like some well-known Nazi accounts that were previously banned from the platform are trying to come back to it.

Four prominent accounts were suspended pretty quickly after they surfaced, after Nick Martin posted a picture of them.

The Nazis tried to start new accounts after the Musk news broke. Martin said online that a lot of them got the boot within 24 hours.

It's not clear what moderation efforts will look like after a Musk acquisition.

The company will not allow hate speech and abuse going forward, according to a letter from Wired.

A spokesman told the magazine that they had no comment.

In other words, things are not stable at the moment, so it is not clear if hate speech will be allowed in the future. The notorious cesspool 4chan has some rules.

The controversial billionaire has already been called out for his previous assaults against free speech, like that time he canceled.

Musk insists he won't allow anything against the law to happen on the platform. The public should make changes to the law in the United States, where Twitter is based, since free speech law is in the Constitution.

The problem with that approach is that it leaves the decision to moderate it up to individual platforms.

If free speech includes a lie or incorrect information, what should we do? Is it possible for someone to say incorrect things about vaccine or politics that can hurt and damage others? Do you still allow it? One user commented under Musk's post that he had banned many Anti vaccine people.

Musk may have a hard time balancing conflicting regulations in countries that have different laws around free speech. The US allows people to post swastikas, but Germany doesn't.

The decisions would be a group effort if Musk had joined the board. Some are concerned that he won't be able to deliver on his promise of landing humans on Mars, running a giant social media platform, and running a company.

There are ways out of the purchase contract if Musk thinks it will all become too much, but if one thing is clear from his life so far, it is that he enjoys a nasty fight.

Musk has more responsibilities than just his social media stunts.