A French startup has raised over 1.5 million dollars to build a programming interface that will let you access multiple artificial intelligence engines. The company offers a simple way to try out the APIs and mix and match.

Over the past few years, small and large cloud vendors have been building machine learning models to process data in their cloud infrastructure. For instance, you can use these to detect and extract text from images, recognize objects, extract keywords from a block of text, turn speech into text, translate text and more.

All of those are not perfectly equivalent. Some APIs are better than others. Some APIs work well in one language but not in another. It is easier to use and implement some of the APIs.

We started as a consulting firm specialized in data science and artificial intelligence.

There are 20 partnerships with artificial intelligence engine providers by the startup. It is compatible with big cloud providers.

A single entry point has been created by us. Zemmouri said that it is easy to switch to another provider.

You are no longer locked in with a single cloud vendor, so you can have some flexibility with the pricing. You don't have to open a user account with each provider on the billing side. You can access all of the APIs with your Eden AI account.

You can add your own key to use your own account if you already have an account on a specific cloud. You get what you pay from cloud vendors. The startup takes a cut from the providers.

The company wants to make it easy for you to choose the right API. Clients have to define the provider in their calls. You could imagine a feature that would let Eden pick the best route for you.

The company has raised its pre-seed round from several business angels, such as Nicolas Dessaigne (Algolia), Sébastien Pahl (Docker), and Julien Lemoine.