National ReviewNational Review

A man who identifies as a woman has been convicted of raping a female prisoner at the women's facility at the Rikers Island complex in New York.

The New York Post reported that Ramel Blount was sentenced to seven years and eight years of post-release supervision after pleading guilty to attempted rape. Blount must register for sex offenders.

He was sentenced to life in prison for sexually attacking a woman in the bathroom of the Rose M. Singer Center on February 8, 2021. After the woman had finished showering, she was pinned down and raped.

The rape kit was used to identify the sexual attacker after the victim reported the incident. The results showed that Blount was the likely suspect.

Bronx County District Attorney Darcel Clark said in a press statement that sexual violence against anyone is unacceptable. He did not discuss the circumstances of the rape, which was committed by a biological male at a women's facility.

The Biden administration and a number of progressive states have proposed or passed policies that would allow trans inmates to be transferred to a prison that corresponds with their gender preference. New York Governor Kathy Hochul proposed a policy in January of 2021. Reduxx noted that New York City had already implemented this policy.

The incident at Rikers Island is not the first of it's kind. In Seattle's prison system, where the gender identity relocation rule is practiced but not yet codified into law, multiple incidents of sexual abuse by convicted trans felons have occurred at the Washington Correction Center for Women. A draft executive order from President Biden was leaked in January, which would allow biological male criminals to be housed at women's prisons if they claim to identify as female.

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