
Three years into his marriage, a Japanese man has opened up about the benefits of a virtual wife.

Akihiko Kondo, a resident of Tokyo, made global headlines in November of last year when he married Hatsune Miku, a virtual popstar developed by Crypton Future Media based on the singing synthesizer software Vocaloid.

In addition to appearing in video games, virtual concerts and a tour with Lady Gaga, Miku has also appeared in virtual concerts.

Kondo discovered a person named Miku. He was told to take a leave from work after being diagnosed with adjustment disorder. Two of his colleagues called him gross and avoided him, as he was being bullied by his co-workers.

He shared that he stayed in his room for 24 hours a day and watched videos of Miku.

According to Kondo, the music of Miku helped him fall asleep and eventually motivated him to return to work.

Kondo spent over two million dollars for a wedding ceremony in Tokyo in order to solidify his love for the virtual celebrity.

Kondo has posted on social media about the various romantic and social activities he and his wife have engaged in.

He acknowledged that many people view his relationship with a fictional character as unusual and unhealthy, but he also said that his feelings for the character have not changed.

She makes me smile when we are together. He was quoted as saying that she is real.

Kondo shared that prior to his marriage, he was not interested in being with a human partner.

He said that he wouldn't betray him like a human partner could. She will not get sick or die.

fictosexuals are people who marry cartoon characters in order to express their love for their favorite comic books. Kondo says that he shares details about his relationship with the public in order to make other people more accepting of similar relationships.

He explained that it was about respecting other people's lifestyles.

Kondo decided to continue his studies after receiving several invitations to give lectures about his relationship with Miku. He went to the Faculty of Law at Komazawa University last year to learn more about freedom of expression and depictions of sexual and violent characters.


The feature image was posted by Akihikokondosk.

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