Johnny Depp has taken the stand against his ex- wife. Heard accused Depp of domestic violence, but he said he was a victim of the same. A clinical psychologist who was hired by Heard testified in her defamation trial. She said Heard was exaggerating her symptoms and downplayed her personal issues. The psychologist said Heard had other disorders that were related to violent people and making up stories. A forensic clinical psychologist testified in court that she diagnosed Heard with two personality disorders. Shannon Curry, the psychologist, said that the Heard scores were associated with people who were full of rage and socially sophisticated. Curry testified that these people might have anger that explodes at times. They may be self-centered. They could try to get what they want. They are very needy of attention, acceptance, and approval. Curry was called to testify by the lawyers for Heard. He accuses Heard of defaming him when she said she was a victim of domestic violence. His lawsuit says Heard abused him throughout their relationship until their 2016 divorce. Heard has filed a countersuit. The doctor testified that she was hired by Heard's lawyers to evaluate whether she had post-traumatic stress disorder. Curry evaluated Heard for 12 hours over two days in December of 2021. Heard did not have post-traumatic stress disorder and appeared to be exaggerating symptoms. Curry testified in the Fairfax, Virginia court where the trial took place that she initially said that she had 19 of the 20 symptoms. She diagnosed her with other psychological disorders. Curry said that the results of Ms. Heard's evaluation supported two diagnoses. Curry said that the evaluations looked into Heard's home life, her relationship with her family, and other personal relationships. The MMPI-2 is used to diagnose personality disorders and was one of the tests she used. Curry said she wrote a 25-page interpretation after the MMPI test. Heard had a very sophisticated way of minimizing any personal problems while having a lot of inner hostility and externalizing blame. Curry said that a person with a personality disorder is unstable in personal relationships, emotions, and their sense of self. The terror of abandonment is a driving factor. When someone with this disorder is afraid of being abandoned by their partner or anyone else in their environment, they will make desperate attempts to prevent that from happening. Curry said that those desperate attempts could be physical aggression. She said that borderline personality disorder was a factor for women who implement violence against their partner. Curry said that if their partner wants to get space from all of this intense emotion, they will be abusive to their partners in these situations. Curry said that people with the disorder can express their anger in a way that can be exhausting for their partners. Curry said that their partners will try to make them happy at first and then allow themselves to be a punching bag, thinking that they can somehow solve this problem and make this better. Curry's assessment is similar to the testimony of a therapist who oversaw marriage counseling sessions. Heard had poor listening skills and dominated conversations according to Anderson. Anderson said that the relationship with Heard triggered mutual abuse among the couple. Anderson said that Heard told her she would use violence if she was afraid of Depp leaving her. Some witnesses said they saw Heard physically cling to Depp when he tried to walk away from the argument. Curry testified on Tuesday that there will be an increase in the bizarre behavior. They will often prevent their partner from leaving. After the death of his mother, Johnny Depp said he planned to leave Heard. Heard filed a restraining order that included photos of her bruised face in an incident that she blamed on Depp but which his employees testified was a lie. Curry says that people with borderline personality disorder often use the legal system when threatened with abandonment. Curry said that they might say that they are going to file a restraining order or claim abuse to try to get their partner to stay. Curry said that they went from idealizing to devaluing because of the hurt. Heard downplayed her own psychological issues when she approached her evaluation. She approached it in a way that minimized any psychological problems. Curry said that she presented herself as free of any problems by responding to questions that most people wouldn't notice. Curry testified that Heard's MMPI test produced a code type associated withcruelty, as well as people who are very attention-seeking and prone to externalizing blame. Curry said the results showed Heard could see herself as an avenger against injustice without seeing her own fault. She said that they can present as fair and balanced, but only the ones that people think of lightly and can relate to. He said on the stand that Heard was jealous of his friendship with Paul Bettany. The actor was such a threat to Heard that she once drove his stepson to tears in an argument. Curry said that people with histrionic personality disorder want to be the center of attention even when they have little to say. Curry says that when the attention of people around them is waning, they may make up stories. Curry said that they might take the victim role or even make up stories to bolster the victim role. Sometimes those stories are just to make them look more interesting or accomplished in their mind so that they can get respect and attention that way. The original article can be found on Insider.
Heard may have been driven to violence out of fear of abandonment
'They might take the victim role or the princess role, and even make up stories'