Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

If combining NFTs with the medical industry doesn't sound logical, this report will confirm your doubts. The MetaDocs project assigns doctors to cartoon personifications of themselves, which users can purchase to gain access to one-on-one conversations, question-and-answer sessions, orDMs.

Despite the goal of cutting the red tape that comes with gaining access to doctors, the MetaDocs themselves aren't legally able to give medical advice to NFT holders. MetaDocs doesn't have a license to practice telemedicine, so its doctors can't give medical advice, write prescriptions, or virtually diagnose patients.

“We’re hesitant to refer to anybody as a patient”

At this point, we are hesitant to refer to anyone as a patient, according to Dr. Portela.

The price tag of one of these NFTs makes it clear that there is a discrepancy. MetaDocs hasn't determined a final price but kicked around a cost of 0.2ETH, or $570, in a recent whitepaper, which is a potentially higher amount than what you would pay for a real general physician without insurance.

The value of the MetaDocs NFTs isn't linked to medical care, according to Dr. Sina Joorabachi.

MetaDocs wants to change medical care by examining patients in virtual reality. It seems far off, but not to MetaDocs. If you want to get a more in-depth look at this craziness, you should read the report.