We liked the Mac studio. It is powerful and pretty and scratches practically all of a Mac desktop user. It is similar to the most recent MacBook Pro in that it represents the direction Apple should be headed in. The Studio Display's webcam was a major caveat in the review. It wasn't where the camera in a $1,599 monitor should be in a world that is increasingly centered on remote work.

The good news is that the issue appears to have more to do with the software/firmware side of things, rather than the actual hardware. The company should be able to fix things to where they should be.

I asked Apple if the results I had were typical, and sent sample images and video of what I was seeing. An Apple spokesman told me that the system was not behaving as expected and that Apple would be making updates to address the camera's performance.

From the top left are iMac 2020, iMac 2021, and Mac Studio. Brian Heater is the image's author.

The company promised a fix without a specific timetable after acknowledging that the systems of other reviewers weren't working as intended. The company is rolling out a fix for users of the macOS beta just over a month after the reviews dropped.

The broader beta should be rolling out later today, as I type this. An update to the studio display firmware is now available with the newest version of macOS. Improvements to the studio display camera tuning are included in the update.

I have been using an external webcam for my video chats due to the white balance and image noise. I am looking forward to seeing where we land after installing the update. We will update accordingly.