Rick Perry's Election Lie Undone — By His Own Text Message

The man was hoisted with a text message.

CNN reported that in the days after Donald Trump's defeat, former Texas governor and Trump White House energy secretary, RickPerry, sent text messages to the Trump White House chief of staff, MarkMeadows, with ideas for reversing the result.

CNN published a trove of previously undisclosed text exchanges between Trump allies and President Joe Biden between the time of the election and his inauguration.

The text was sent just hours before the election was certified in favor of Biden. The bullet is silver. Pam Biondi agrees with what she has seen. There is a man named Rick Perry.

The phone number that CNN confirmed belonged to RickPerry was included in the sign.

The revelation about The Daily Show host was very interesting.

Critics on social media.

Some of the Trump Conspirators used burner phones.Rick Perry not only used his actual phone, he signed off his conspiratorial texts with "Rick Perry."


April 25, 2022.

MAGA lunatic Rick Perry said he never sent text messages to racist birther Mark Meadows about plans to commit sedition.Unfortunately for him, he signed one of those messages with his name and phone number.

What an endless moron. 😂🤣

— Ricky Davila 🇺🇦 (@TheRickyDavila) April 26, 2022

The article was originally on HuffPost.


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