Austin American-Statesman

The trial court was ordered to examine new evidence that supports the innocence of the death row prisoner after the state's highest criminal court blocked the execution.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals made a ruling that halted the execution of a supporter of the state Legislature.

What we know about the case of a Texas woman facing the death penalty.

According to supporters, new evidence shows that the 2-year-old daughter of Lucio was not murdered but died two days after an accidental fall down a steep set of stairs, leaving the child with internal injuries that were not immediately apparent.

Melissa Lucio in 2008. On March 22, 2022, Lucio's lawyers filed a clemency petition to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, arguing that new evidence showed her daughter's death was accidental and caused by unseen internal injuries.
Melissa Lucio in 2008. On March 22, 2022, Lucio's lawyers filed a clemency petition to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, arguing that new evidence showed her daughter's death was accidental and caused by unseen internal injuries.

I thank God for my life, and I am grateful the court gave me the chance to prove my innocence, according to a statement released by her lawyers. Today and always, he is in my heart.

She said that she was grateful to everyone who had prayed for her.

This is not a finished story.

The article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman.

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  • Nearly half of the jurors who sentenced the Texas woman to death for the death of one of her children have called for her to get a new trial. The city of about 75,000 in Texas' southern tip is where the execution is going to take place on Wednesday. Lawyers for Lucio have filed legal appeals to stop her execution.

  • The most troubling case I've ever seen is the one where a woman is murdered by the state. The Texas Republican leading an extraordinary bipartisan effort to delay Wednesday's execution of a Mexican American woman has described the case as the most troublin.

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  • A Texas appeals court on Monday delayed the execution of a woman who was sentenced to death for the murder of her toddler daughter. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals granted a stay of execution so a lower court could review her claims that new evidence would exonerate her. The lower court would begin reviewing her case. The city of about 75,000 in Texas' southern tip had been set to execute Lucio on Wednesday for the death of her daughter.

  • The Texas board is expected to make a decision on clemency on Wednesday, the day of the execution.

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