Shanghai fences up COVID-hit areas, fuelling fresh outcry
High fences have been installed to seal off people's homes amid Shanghai's brutal Covid measures.Reuters
  • There are high fences around peoples homes to stop them from going out.

  • In areas where at least one person had tested positive for Covid, fencing was put up.

  • In a city where people are already frustrated by a harsh lockdown, the move sparked further outrage.

In order to stop residents from going out in the city, authorities have put metal barriers and high fences around people's homes.

The city's 26 million residents are already frustrated by a harsh and indefinite lock down, and the move has sparked further outrage.

They might as well burn us all inside our homes, because the structures are fire risks, according to a user on the Weibo platform.

—Eva Rammeloo (@eefjerammeloo) April 24, 2022

Most of the fences were put up in the sealed areas where at least one person tested positive for Covid.

A foreign national living in Shanghai told the outlet that he was the one who installed the fence.

He told the outlet that there was no reason for the sudden fence installation. You don't know when the lock down will end.

A popular Weibo post on Saturday showing pictures of the fences in different parts of the city was reposted more than 6,500 times and received 18,000 likes. The user wrote.

The CNN correspondent said that authorities taped over his door to check if he had left his home.

There has been a surge of COVID-19 cases in the city. People across the city claim they are running out of food and are angry with the authorities for their handling of the situation.

Despite the controversy, Chinese health officials have stood by their zero-covid policy. That means mass testing and travel restrictions whenever there are clusters.

The city recorded over 16,000 Covid cases on Sunday, according to the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission.

The original article can be found on Insider.

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