The DC internet is ablaze with rumors that Christopher Reeve and Adam West will be in the next movie. There were rumors this week that the new WB movie would feature appearances from both West and Reeve, who are dead. The word is that some of the people who have solid reps for being in the know on this comic book-flick stuff are lionized movie leakers. CR and AW are going to be in a scene where Barry Allen is hopping around different superhero universes. You only see them for a short time, and the flash character doesn't interact with them either. They are not making all new content or dialogue with these late actors via deep fakeCGI because they are rumored to be from old archived footage. They are not the only DC OGs popping up. According to these people, Wonder Woman is expected to appear in her prime as well. There are different cuts of the film that have been shown a number of times. Warner could make a lot of changes by 2023. There is a question of what this movie will mean for the DCEU long-term. Discovery might want to change the superhero strategy going forward now that they own it. We wouldn't recommend getting too excited about any of the plotlines, character teases or mixing and matching of universes that might arise from this movie when it does release. As the new Warner Bros. Discovery gets started, there is no clear vision, so any or all of this could be scrapped. It's neat that West and Reeve will be back in costume.