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Navy midshipman Joe Giannini showed Insider a workout he was doing to stay in shape for the United States Naval Academy. He gave us pointers on how to do a basic push-up. He broke down the harder styles that isolated specific muscle groups, such as clap push-ups, handstand push-ups, archer push-ups, spiderman push-ups, dive bomber push-ups, and pseudo planche push-ups. These push-ups strengthen your core, bicep, shoulders, and chest muscles.

CrossFit athlete Kari Pearce waves to the crowd at competition
  • The star of the fitness program said that non-traditional exercises help build the body.

  • Hanging leg raises with weight and hollow holds are her favorite core moves.

  • The key to visible Abs is burning calories and body fat.

According to a former elite gymnast and six-time CrossFit Games athlete, slobbering isn't going to cut it if you're looking for strong, defined core muscles.

She told Insider that she thinks crunches are a waste of time because people aren't learning how to properly use their core.

Pearce is an expert in core strength and stability, able to rep out hundreds of weighted pull-ups and excel in skill and strength exercises like handstand push-ups.

PowerAbs and other workout programs help athletes of all sports and experience levels work toward the coveted six-pack aesthetic.

She said high-intensity exercises like hanging leg raises, hollow holds, and burpee are key for building muscle and burning fat.

You can see results with short, fun workouts, Pearce said

Ab training should not be painful or boring if you are doing it correctly and engaging your core correctly, which can lead to injury.

She said that training 10 minutes a day is enough to notice a difference.

You are more likely to do it if you have fun. If you hit it hard, you will have great results.

Weighted hanging leg raises are a challenging move to make your abs show

One of the all-time favorite exercises for athletes is a hanging leg raise with added weight.

Place a medicine ball or dumbbell between your feet. Grab onto a sturdy pull-up bar and hold the weight between your feet or lower legs. Slowly, with control, raise your legs parallel to the floor so your body can make an L shape.

If you want to modify, you can try a hanging knee tuck with weight, which will bring your knees to your chest instead of extending your legs out straight.

If the exercise is too challenging, drop the weight since your body weight will give you enough resistance to feel the burn.

Burpees work the whole body, including abs, and help burn calories for more muscle definition

The burpee is the favorite love-to-hate exercise of everyone.

She said burps are one of the best movements for working your abdominals.

Burpee variations work core muscles, but are high-intensity and involve multiple muscle groups to maximize calories burned, which is important if you want to see visible Abs.

One of the biggest myths is that exercising will melt stomach fat. She said that we can build the muscles underneath and strengthen them, but they won't show without losing body fat.

Hollow body holds are the underrated foundation of strong abs

One of the simplest core exercises is one of the most effective.

The hollow body hold involves lying on the ground and pressing your lower back into the floor to raise your legs and shoulders.

A perfect hollow hold allows you to work your core in a variety of ways.

They are very hard, but they are the foundation for V-ups, tuck-ups, and bicycles.

The dead bug and other scaled exercises are good for beginners.

The original article can be found on Insider.

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