Tacoma News TribuneTacoma News Tribune
Screengrab from KATU video

Police had to shut down a party in Eugene that had up to 1,000 people.

Eugene police said in a news release that some party-goers threw bottles and canned goods at officers.

Police Chief Chris Skinner said in a statement that something like this is a complete embarrassment for the people who engaged in that party.

Police were called to 16th Avenue at 11 a.m. about a large party.

Police said they found people blocking the entire roadway, spreading into the travel lanes and around a three-story apartment building.

Police said party-goers included college-age students and some parents.

Skinner said in the release that irresponsible individuals, including parents and their college-aged children, should be ashamed.

Police broke up the party at 1 p.m. No one was arrested. Police responses to other calls were delayed by the party.

California police say a golf course worker was killed in a hit-and-run crash.

The dancer was killed in a clash at the beach.

A family hears a strange noise and finds 5 bears in the middle of winter.

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