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A superyacht worker of 20 years wrote about tales from the industry in The Times of London.Ethan Swope/Getty Images
  • A worker said that the crew of a superyacht was dressed in designer clothes.

  • The worker wrote in The Times of London that the owner never wears the same shirt twice.

  • A worker said that the gleeful crew werescrubbing decks dressed in Armani sweaters.

The owner of the yacht threw away the designer clothes that the crew wore, according to an industry source.

An anonymous worker with 20 years in the superyacht business wrote in The Times of London about a story about a owner who never wears the same shirt twice.

The worker said that the owner couldn't understand the need for a wardrobe in his master suite, and that he threw it away.

It helped to explain why the gleeful crew aboard his yacht were scrubbing decks dressed in Armani Cashmere jumpers.

The Western nations have imposed sanctions on Russian businessmen over the Ukraine war. The sanctions want to seize the trophy assets of the people who are said to have ties to the Kremlin.

The superyacht worker in The Times wrote about a crew that prepared fresh lobster for their owner every day, regardless of whether or not he was on board.

Employees of a wealthy Russian were forced to take lie detector tests in order to prove they kept confidential information a secret, according to a superyacht captain. The captain said that the employees were not allowed to take photos or make drawings of the superyacht.

Some of the wealthiest people in the world have had their private jets seized.

A high court in the island nation granted an order to stop a Russian billionaire from leaving.

The original article is on Business Insider.

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