National ReviewNational Review

A Russian general said on Friday that he was going to occupy the Transnistria region.

The acting commander of Russia's Central Military District stated at the meeting that the Russian armed forces plan to enter the region. A corridor would connect the Russian mainland to Transnistria.

The measure was part of Russia's second phase in its war in Ukraine, which involves establishing full control over the Donbas Region and Ukraine's coast along the Black Sea. There was no timetable for the maneuver to begin.

The strategic value of the region was cited by the speaker, who claimed control over the south of Ukraine is another exit into Transnistria, where there are also facts pointing to the oppression of the Russian-speaking population. It is not internationally recognized by any country, including Russia, and its trade with the Russian mainland is the main source of income.

On April 2, the armed forces of Ukraine warned that Russia was moving troops to Transnistria. The largest port city in the country, and a gateway for its international trade, is believed to be a target.

Russia's occupation of Transnistria would expand the conflict with Ukraine to another European nation-state.

He said that Russia was at war with the world as it was in the Great Patriotic War.

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