Business InsiderBusiness Insider
The interior of the 2021 Tesla Model S sedan.
The interior of a Tesla. Smart Summon mode allows drivers to hail the car using their phone.Tesla
  • A witness told Insider that a car crashed into a jet at an event.

  • The witness said that the car was using smart summon when it crashed.

  • The feature allows drivers to hail a car from 200 metres away.

A witness said that a private jet worth between $3 million and $3.5 million was hit by a car in its self-driving mode.

A user with the name U/smiteme posted a video of the event to the platform.

The footage shows a car crashing into a plane at an airport. Insider requested comment from the airport outside normal working hours.

Insider was able to identify the customer of the plane, who it was unable to identify. It is not known how much damage was done to the plane or car.

The user who asked not to be named told Insider that they were at the event.

They said that the event was held at the Felts Field airport in Spokane. I am not sure who the jet was, but it arrived later into the event.

I don't know the owners of either vehicle. The owner of the car company was using summon.

The driver of the car can hail it using their phone at a distance of 200 feet. The feature caused a lot of trouble when it was first rolled out, with some cars reportedly driving into foliage or being involved in near-misses.

Insider asked for comment outside normal working hours.

There are a number of warnings on the website. The car should be monitored by its owner while it is in that mode because it is aBeta feature.

Smart summon is only intended for use on parking lots and driveway located on private property where the surrounding area is familiar and predictable. One of the warnings states that you shouldn't use Smart summon on public roads.

Regulators in the US are slowly approving self-driving technology. In March, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved the production and deployment of cars without steering wheels or pedals.

The original article is on Business Insider.

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