Lexington Herald-LeaderLexington Herald-Leader
Administrative Office of the Courts

A judge in Kentucky has been removed from the bench because of her alleged misuse of her position to influence criminal cases.

The Judicial Conduct Commission voted to remove the Family Court Judge from Daviess County.

After a three-day hearing earlier this month, the panel found that Gordon exhibited an "extensive and repeated pattern of improper influence for her own benefit and the benefit of her son."

The panel found that she used extremely poor judgment and engaged in foolish actions on and off the bench.

Unless Gordon appeals, the order removing her takes effect in 10 days.

Gordon was the first family court judge in Daviess Circuit Court. The commission said that she had been suspended with pay after a series of complaints came to light.

There are serious allegations of obstruction of justice, misuse and abuse of power, destruction of evidence, various improprieties as a judicial officer, and a lack of impartiality against Judge Gordon.

Gordon admitted a lot of her misdeeds in written correspondence with the commission. They said the decision to remove her was necessary.

Gordon took actions to destroy evidence and obstruct justice when she cleaned up her son's social media accounts.

She used her influence at the jail to get special visits with him, and she brought in food that other inmates wouldn't have been allowed to have.

Gordon had conflicts of interest because of the legal representation of her son in his criminal matters by an attorney regularly appearing before her in Family Court matters, the panel said.

She retaliated against Cabinet workers who did not acquiesce to her manner of conducting JDNA when they expressed objections to her actions and rulings.

Gordon tried to fine employees of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services for filing reports late, and she has used her position of power and ordered juvenile placements inconsistent with Cabinet recommendations. The order stated that she set them aside only after the Cabinet appealed some of the orders.

She threatened to remove attorneys from her guardian ad litem list, according to the order. A guardian ad litem is appointed by the court to represent the interests of a child.

There is no doubt that she has brought the integrity and respect for the judiciary within Daviess County into disrepute and that her improper actions violate the Canons of Judicial Conduct, the order removing her stated. Judge Gordon exploited her judicial position to satisfy her personal desires, and it can rarely be explained away by a sitting judge.

Her attorney told a Herald-Leader reporter that Gordon denied thefrivolous allegations against her.

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