
A news anchor in Japan broke down on air while reporting on Putin's honor for the soldiers who oversaw the massacre.

The TV anchor, identified as Yumiko Matsuo, is seen fighting back tears while pausing in a clip that was posted on Wednesday.

She had just shown clips of children hiding in the Mariupol steel mill and was overcome with emotion.

There are still many people in the shelter. Matsuo apologized as she tried to compose herself.

The military unit that committed the war crimes in the Ukraine's Bucha region was given the title of "Guards" by Putin.

The 64th Detached Motor Rifle brigade was praised by Putin in a letter on April 18.

The unit's personnel became a role model in the fulfillment of their military duty, dedication and professionalism, due to their shrewd and bold actions during the Special Military Operations in Ukraine.

Matsuo's courage was praised by many users as they sympathized with her emotion.

One user said to show how deeply this all relates to a soul-deep level.

Someone in a culture that is very good at covering up emotions in public replied.

I lived in Japan for 1.5 years and I have never seen a Japanese news anchor show any sign of emotion.


The fathermucker has a featured image.

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