A member of the Capitol Police that protects members of Congress is upset that a Republican lawmaker said she was a victim of the riot during a hearing on Friday.

A group called Free Speech for the People is trying to remove her name from the ballot in Georgia because of a clause in the constitution. They argue that the provision states that no person who has taken an oath and served as a member of Congress shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion.

James Bopp, her own lawyer, questioned her about her understanding of the events of that day.

Bopp asked if you were affected by the attack.

I was in the House chamber at the time. I had to be evacuated to safety, we were held for hours in a secret location protected by Capitol Police, military members, until they cleared the Capitol.

She said that she was a victim of the riot.

She testified that she was very scared, concerned, and shocked by the threat of violence that day, and thought that Black Lives Matter and Antifa-affiliated protestors were causing the violence.

—CSPAN (@cspan) April 22, 2022

Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell, one of the more outspoken members of the Capitol Police force, responded to his followers with graphic photos of the injuries he sustained that day.

Here are her injuries, he wrote.

—Staff Sergeant Gonell, Aquilino (@SergeantAqGo) April 22, 2022

A video from January 6 shows Republican members of Congress laughing and smiling as they waited in a secure location. The Democrats tried to give the Republicans masks, but they were turned down.

Gonell testified before the January 6 committee last summer, where he spoke about the lasting trauma he had experienced as a result of the riot.

He criticized the former Vice President for downplaying the attack, and said that he believes some of the rioters' sentences aren't harsh enough.

Gonell told NPR that they did everything they could to prevent him from being hanged in front of his daughter and wife. It is pathetic. It is a disgrace.

A federal judge in Georgia ruled on Monday that the challenge could go forward, despite the fact that Greene tried to block the hearing. She is the first member of Congress to testify under oath.