UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was unlikely that Ukraine and Russia could make peace through negotiations.

I don't think the Ukrainians can easily sit down and find a place to stay. How can you negotiate with a crocodile when it has your leg in its jaws? Johnson asked on a flight to India, The Guardian reported.

It is hard to see how the Ukrainians can negotiate with Putin now that he is trying to capture as much of the country as he can.

According to The Guardian, Johnson said that the UK and the rest of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would have to keep supplying arms to Ukraine.

He said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants to expel all Russian troops from Luhansk and Donetsk.

He said that the annexed Ukrainian territory is not as maximalist.

According to Johnson, Putin has shown a desire to seize more land in Ukraine and could make another push toward Kyiv, which Russian forces failed to take after weeks of assault on the capital.

The peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv have been on hold since March 29, when Ukraine said it had evidence of mass killings in the suburb of Bucha.

Johnson is going to India to talk to Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the possibility of India throwing its support behind Ukraine, which is unlikely given India's existing ties to Russia.

I talked to Narendra Modi about Ukraine. He said that the Indians have condemned what happened. I am afraid we will let Russia down if we don't point out where Putin is.