You already have a list of the best games to play, but what about the best game controllers? There are great controllers available to buy that will also work if you already own a controller. You can pair the best game controller with the best Chromebook if you choose the best options.

What's are the best Chromebook game controllers?

Recent updates have opened the possibilities of what you can do with gaming on the best Chromebooks. The experience is still not as seamless as a controller on your phone or PC, but it has improved. We have tested and connected controllers to a Chromebook that we would not recommend.

If we had to pick one, we would go with the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro because it is retro, works with PC gaming, and is affordable.

The Stadia controller is a great pick since it makes Stadia gaming easy and can be used for other games on your Chromebook. The Stadia controller comes in three different colors and has a dedicated button for the Google Assistant. You will be able to put in some hours with the larger battery than the Sony controller.

The Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers and Joy-Cons can be used for console controllers. An update earlier this year made it possible to connect your controllers to a computer. It's better to use the controller that came with your console, rather than trying to find a good one.