The company is working on a vehicle that won't have a steering wheel or pedals, and it wants to have it in volume production by the year 2024.

During the company's Q1 earnings call on Wednesday, CEO Musk shared details about a dedicated taxi.

He said that it will be a huge driver of the company's growth.

He attributed the lack of steering wheel and pedals to the fact that it will be highly optimal for autonomy.

During the earnings call, Musk was asked for more information about therobotaxi, but he declined to comment further.

At the Texas Gigafactory Cyber Rodeo earlier this month, he said that it would lookfuturistic.

In the earnings call, Musk said that the Cybertruck will be produced at a volume level in 2023. The company is expected to produce more than 1.5 million vehicles this year, an increase of 60% over last year.

Musk doubled down on his remarks from the last earnings call about the importance of a humanoid robot the company is developing.

He said that theOptimus will be worth more than the car business.