New accelerator at Fermilab approved for construction start
The PIP-II project received CD-3 approval from the U.S. Department of Energy. When complete, it will provide more powerful beams of protons to Fermilab experiments. This rendering shows the site of the PIP-II complex on the Fermilab campus. Credit: Fermilab

The Department of Energy has approved the start of construction on the project, which is essential to the upgrade of the accelerator complex. The world's most intense high-energy neutrino beam will be enabled by a powerful new linear accelerator.

The project can begin full-scale procurement and construction after the Critical Decision 3 milestone. It builds on the approval for a preliminary construction start in March of 2021. Superconductivity and high-power radio Frequency systems were included.

Lia Merminga, director of the Fermilab and former project director, said that they are thrilled to have reached this crucial step. The planning has paid off, and we are excited to move into the construction phase, knowing it will make incredible new science possible.

The success of PIP- II is dependent on its partners around the world. France, India, Italy, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States will work together to build the state-of-the-art particle accelerator at Fermilab.

The ability to generate more than 1 megawatt of protons will be 60 percent higher than current capabilities. A variety of research can be supported by the versatile accelerator, which will be able to send tailored beams to different experiments.

The beam will be used to create neutrinos for the DUNE experiment. More than 1,000 researchers working on DUNE will study these elusive particles, which could hold clues to the evolution of our universe and several long-standing mysteries in physics.

The formal construction start forPIP- II means we are one step closer to enhancing.

The lab will install a powerful new superconductivity at the start of the chain. Scientists will be able to modify the beam for multiple experiments in the first section. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be used to deliver beam quickly, reliably and with minimal human intervention.

The project has already reached a number of milestone and is expected to be completed in the late 2020s. A major in-kind contribution from India's Department of Atomic Energy is one of the reasons for the construction of the building that will house the cryogenic plant.

The successful review shows that the lab is poised to be a leader in the field of particle physics, and that the project will contribute to the prestige of the lab. The Department of Energy looks forward to the decades of discoveries that will be made by this upgrade.

Citation: New accelerator at Fermilab approved for construction start (2022, April 20) retrieved 20 April 2022 from This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.