Pitcher tackles batter after he hits a HR (0:48)

JoshPhillips hits a home run and is tackled by Owen Woodward as he rounds third. (0:48)

6:42 PM ET

A pitcher from North Central Texas College tackled a hitter who had just hit a home run during a game on Wednesday.

In the top of the sixth, JoshPhillips hit a home run and rounded the bases, celebrating with his third base coach. Owen Woodward, a 195-pound sophomore, threw his glove down and sprinted towardPhillips, crushing him just as he turned and saw Woodward.

It is not clear what caused Woodward to react. Both schools could not be reached for comment.

Jeff Lightfoot, the baseball coach at Weatherford, said in a statement that they do not condone this type of behavior. The program we built has the highest of standards. We apologize to North Central Texas College and the fans of the baseball team. This type of behavior cannot be condoned.

The school is looking into the incident.

The school said that the student in question would face possible discipline from the Office of Student Services.

Woodward did not have any previous incidents, according to Lightfoot.

The game was stopped after the tackle and brawl. The four-game series began with the game.