
The former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, a highly popular state-run Chinese media outlet, published a commentary on Saturday urging Chinese citizens to prepare for a military struggle.

The commentary was written after a group of U.S. officials visited Taiwan. The visit was strongly denounced by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, who warned that China is against any form of official exchange between the U.S. and Taiwan.

Hu, who resigned from his post at the end of last year after three decades at the newspaper, remains a vocal and influential state media figure.

Hu wrote an article for the Global Times stating that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, which China claims as a part of its territory, would be the most serious provocation by Washington to China on the Taiwan question since the island.

There must be serious consequences for Pelosi's visit.

Hu stated that there is a very high probability that there will be a solution to the U.S.-China-Taiwan situation.

"As the situation in the Taiwan Strait deteriorates, we must prepare for a military struggle," Hu wrote.

Even if not war, Hu said that any kind of high-intensity military crisis would be highly consequential.

During his meeting with President Tsai Ing-Wen on Friday, Sen. Graham said that "every option is on the table."

Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been a rise in tensions between China and Taiwan. High-profile envoys from the U.S. are sent to Taiwan's capital to show their support.


Featured Image via White House, CGTN

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