Johnny Depp just got into the details about how his finger tip was cut off during his marriage to Amber Heard, which he says was the last straw for him to end it. After months of being sober, he went to their bar to pour himself a drink in the middle of a fight down in Australia. He claims that she threw a bottle of booze at him and that she made contact with his hand. Johnny says that at that point, he had a nervous breakdown and went into shock, which led to him writing on the walls in his blood, a culmination and expression of everything he was. He says he lied to the ER about getting his finger jammed in a door in order to protect her. He says he told the doctor the truth and she fixed it with surgery. Johnny says he ended the relationship after that. The allegation that she would drink excessively and do drugs around him, even during periods when he says he was trying to get sober is one of the new claims made by the actor. He claims that she could knock back 2 bottles of wine a night, no problem, and that he had seen her take MDMA and mushrooms throughout their relationship. Johnny claims that she refused to go clean with him. There is one other thing. Johnny once again claimed that Amber would pick fights over little things, which he said would often blow up beyond his control. Johnny Depp made a shocking claim in court that his ex would threaten to kill herself if he tried to bail him out of their fights. The actor is in Day 2 of his testimony, and he is going to talk about his relationship with Amber when they were a couple. He said that Amber was allegedly suicidal. Check it out. Johnny claims that when they got into these nasty blowouts, he would often decide to remove himself from the toxic situation. He claimed that she would get security involved to stop him at the elevator and that she would be in hysterics. She would sometimes land on his front door step in the middle of the night, shouting out to him from outside. Johnny began his testimony on Monday by saying that he was in court to find the truth, no matter what. Originally published at 8:20 AM. CourtTV