The primary objective of space travel has been to conduct science experiment after science experiment to further our understanding of the universe.

That may not always be the case. The idea of a recreational spacecation is starting to sound a bit more realistic with the advent of space tourism.

Drugs in space is an intriguing possibility due to the fact that off world tourism raises the intriguing possibility of doing drugs in space.

Chris Hadfield told Futurism that people have been chewing on mushrooms and various types of roots and berries for forever.

Chris Hadfield has spent time on the Russian space station Mir and the International Space Station, as well as flying on the NASA Space Shuttle and Russian Soyuz rocket. He is also very chill, having become a social media sensation posting photos and videos of life on the International Space Station, and even releasing an album of guitar songs recorded there.

A popular meme shows a photo of Hadfield holding a large bag of marijuana in space, a finger to his lips, signaling a little secret with the viewer.

Hadfield says that any type of impairment in space would be too great a liability.

If there is an emergency on the space station, you are the fire department.

He is looking ahead to a day when space gets crowded enough that astronauts can punch out and relax.

People are going to want a drink once the population gets large, he said.

It is possible that Hadfield will end up in that future. He joined the board of advisers of a company called BioHarvest last year.

He told Futurism that the firm has worked with cannabis for years and has found a novel way to grow it.

Future astronauts could cut right to the chase by using bioreactors, instead of wasting resources on water, pesticides, and other resources.

Hadfield explained that it is replicating the natural growing process of the part that is used to us but without the whole plant.

In August, BioHarvest announced it had found a new way to reliably create stable coral-like structures of multiple cannabis trichomes, a process that it says could potentially revolutionize the production of cannabis.

There is a case to be made for recreational use of cannabis in space, but it is not the original design intent of BioHarvest.

The substance is not yet regulated for the International Space Station, according to BioHarvest CEO Ilan Sobel.

Once cannabis becomes federally legal across the USA, BioHarvest's cannabinoid-growing process may present a breakthrough from a biological science perspective.

Space might be the perfect place to make medical-grade cannabinoids.

The ability for minor cannabinoids to be grown at significantly higher quantities compared to their growth on Earth is something we see.

The emphasis is still on medical applications.

The unique compositions of full-spectrum cannabis could have significant value in providing more optimal treatment solutions for many palliative diseases where current pharma synthesized compounds are not delivering adequate solutions.

Future astronauts and humans back on the ground will be provided with microgravity-enhanced nutrition, rather than a way to get high.

The company is working with another startup called Space Tango to modify its bioreactors for use in the International Space Station.

According to BioHarvest, VINIA, a supplement derived from red grape cells, has been clinically proven to bring significant cardiovascular benefits.

They need to consume key nutrients to maintain their physical and mental performance.

The advantage of growing cells in a culture medium is that it is more efficient in terms of mass and volume.

That caught the attention of Hadfield as well.

He told Futurism that he was drawn to BioHarvest because it could solve a lot of the agricultural problems we face in feeding 10 billion people.

He said that cannabinoids are one of the things we grow. He thinks that recreational marijuana in space is still a long way off.

Cannabis is being delivered to the space station.