A man walks past a residential building, which was heavily damaged during Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine April 18, 2022.A man walks past a residential building, which was heavily damaged during Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine April 18, 2022.

As the international community seeks new ways to increase economic pressure on the Kremlin for its brutal war against Ukraine, the idea of labeling Russia a state sponsor of terrorism has recently gained attention within the Biden administration.

During a recent phone call between the two leaders, Zelenskyy asked Biden to designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. The Washington Post reported that Biden didn't commit to Zelenskyy's request, but he didn't deny it either.

The United States is looking closely at the rules around designating Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, according to both the State Department and White House.

They stressed that the sanctions imposed by the state sponsor of terror on Russia have already been imposed, raising doubts about what the terror designation could actually accomplish.

The sanctions we have in place and have taken are the same steps that would be taken if we were designated a state of terrorism. He said that they would take a close look at all potential authorities. This is one of them.

The state sponsor of terrorism label is one of the most far reaching sanctions in the U.S. diplomatic arsenal.

According to the State Department's official description of the law, a country must have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism to be considered a state sponsor of terrorism.

Iran, Cuba, Syria and North Korea are currently on the list. Iraq, Libya, South Yemen and Sudan were removed from the list after regime changes.

If Russia were to be added to the list, the move would be part of the international campaign to punish the Russian government for the brutal war they are in against Ukraine.

Russia's current actions in Ukraine are not likely to be considered acts of state sponsorship of terrorism by the United States.

The author of 10 books on the history of Russia and Ukraine said that state sponsorship of terrorism is a particular state supporting some group outside the state that is engaging in terrorist activities.

The designation would have applied to Russia when the Kremlin was supporting the rebels in the Donbas.

He pointed to the poisoning of Russian dissidents outside of Russia as proof that the Russian state sponsors terrorism.

If the U.S. designates Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, the primary value could be in potential negotiations, where the label could be used as a bargaining chip.

The initial talks between Russia and Ukraine never reached a serious level. Russia claims that Ukraine has changed its demands, but Ukraine insists that Russian participation in the talks was only a ruse to buy goodwill in the West.

Adding Russia to the list of state sponsors of terrorism at this point in the conflict is hard to imagine.

They have been accused of war crimes and genocide, and Putin has been accused of being a war criminal. Certainly not to him.