The realm of human perception is expanded by science. Galileo discovered moons around another planet when he turned a telescope toward Jupiter, and that's when it's possible to make the invisible visible. We now know that flowers are communicating with birds and bees using ultraviolet patterns we can't see, and that elephants can feel the ground vibrate from miles away.

People have been watching birds singing and calling. Birds vocalize to find mates, defend territory, and more. Many birds sing with distinct notes that are repeated in pleasing patterns at a steady speed. Adam Fishbein and other bird researchers have discovered that what sounds so fascinating to us isn't that important to them. Humans can detect fine details within each note, but birds don't seem to listen to the melody so much.

Some parasites are invisible, like tapeworms. There is a growing movement to recognize that parasites can go extinct and should be protected. According to science journalist Rachel Nuwer, as many as 50% of all animal species are parasites, and almost every other species has at least one parasites that has evolved to parasitize it.

There are parasites in fish farms. parasites and diseases can escape to wild-living animals when you concentrate fish in large pens. Scientists and aquaculturists are experimenting with sustainable fish-farming practices. The climate emergency is pushing lobsters to cooler Canadian waters and the commercial fishing of cod, shrimp and mussels has crashed. There are huge finfish operations being developed there that could be the future of seafood.

The future of computing is the subject of a fascinating cover story by quantum theorist Zaira Nazario. Quantum computing uses basic units called qubits that are similar to the bits in classical computers but in the form of waves rather than 1s and 0s. Classical computers can store and manipulate information at scales and speeds, but they also suffer from errors. Nazario narrates the challenges and discoveries of this important and mind-bending work, with graphics that help make invisible quantum quirks visible.

The Ashaninka people have a different vision for the future. They have seen parts of the Amazon destroyed by loggers, miners and drug runners and have been exploring innovative ways to protect their homeland. In an unusual collaboration, anthropologist Carolina Schneider Comandulli and the Apiwtxa Association share one community's worldview and how it has inspired them to create a sustainable, self-sufficient way of life and empower other Indigenous people in the Amazon. The accompanying photography is stunning.

The Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 is almost certainly the fastest-spreading human virus in history. Megan and Veronica show why this variant is so good. Omicron has more genetic changes than previous versions of concern, starting with the ability to hide from the human immune system. There are more variant coming. Science helps us see and hear things we can't see, so we hope you stay safe and well informed.