Both love and thunder.
When the trailer for the movie was finally aired yesterday, a particular moment was not lost on most viewers. In one scene, Peter Quill tells his crew to stare into the eyes of the people they love, and then he watches as Thor tries to meet his gaze. Just listening, before moving away.
The relationship between Star Lord and Thor is that he is charming and that he is annoying. Is Taika Waititi going to make that more pronounced with the movie? Let me show you some evidence.
Same-sex romance is something Taika Waititi makes a point of writing into his projects.
There is precedent for this in the source material. In the video game, there is a mention of Peter Quill being bisexual, something that has been explicit in the comics. It doesn't seem like it has to stay that way, since Star Lord and Thor have both been with women.
The Star Lord.
I wonder if Waititi will be able to find her queen if not these two. The cut scene was supposed to confirm that she was bisexual. Why was it cut? It was more Disney than Waititi there. Disney has been afraid of showing a prominent LGBTQ storyline in a major movie until recently, when The Eternals had a gay member with a husband and family.
This may end up being flirtatious. I don't think these two would end up together in the end because of the fact that Jane Foster is a major character in the story. Taika Waititi is planning in the interim. I think it will be interesting to see.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are my sci-fi novels.