Image for article titled How to Attract Wasps to Your Garden (and Why You Should)

There is a public relations problem. Most people would make their feelings known if they had an allergic reaction to being stung by a bee.

Is that wasp? Not much. When did you last see kids trick-or-treating in wasp costumes, or kitchen towels with wasp patterns?

While bees have dominated the market on honey production, they are not the only pollinators in town. That's right, the swasps can pollinate. Pest control in your garden is where they shine. Here is what to know.

Why you want wasps in your garden

It's not entirely your fault if you're having trouble thinking of wasp as anything other than pests. They can be very annoying and dangerous to people who are allergic to their venom. Let's not get started on their papery nest, with the perfect wasp holes, and the ability to attach to houses, trees, and playground equipment.

If you have a garden, you're probably reaping the benefits of having was around. According to Jan Rhoades of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, many of the most damaging garden pests are food for was.

How to attract wasps to your garden

Rhoades says you can help the wasp choose appropriate sites by starting with the garden.

She recommends that you allow the wasp to nest under your home or garage if it's not in a high-traffic area. The more isolated they are in your yard, the better.

If you don't like the location that the wasp queen has chosen to build her nest in, simply knock it down.

If you want to prevent the wasp from moving on to pastures, you can plant trees, flowers, and crops that they use for food or shelter. Fruit trees, cowpeas, Queen Anne's lace, yarrow, and bridalwreath spirea are examples of these.